Masaki Kanno
More by Masaki Kanno
2P Block Breaker
2P Block Breaker5.0
Two paddles block breaker (brick breaker, breakout) game. The game can be played with 2 player. ----- 2P Block Breaker is a simple and classic block(brick) breaker game (breakout game) for single player and two players. This block breaker game can be played by two players locally in one device. D
Super Simplest Note
Super Simplest Note5.0
Super Simplest Note is the most simple app for writing text in the world! There is no complicated functionality in this note app. If you write some text, there are automatically saved. That is the only feature of this memo. All you can do is input text by tap keyboard. It may be useful to write d
Daily Brain Training
Daily Brain Training4.7
"Daily Brain Training" is a free brain training app contains many kind of trainings. Trainings mainly improve your memory and calculation speed. 1. Separated Save Datas You can create 4 datas in one device. It is useful to use this app with your family. 2. Training Level System The difficulty of t
Calculation Training For Brain
Calculation Training For Brain4.3
Math calculation training app for all ages from children to the elderly. - Simple Calculation Training App There are no redundant functionality to do calculation training. This app makes it easy to train as playing game. Please use this app to brain warming up exercises for kids and older adults.
TENTEL - Brain Puzzle
TENTEL - Brain Puzzle-
TENTEL is a puzzle game.<br>Connect number blocks to create 10 and remove blocks.<br>Currently, there are two game mode. "NORMAL" and "BREAK".<br><br>- NORMAL mode<br><br>You have to erase all blocks in the level.<br>If the level cleared, next level is unlocked.<br>Slide your finger on blocks to con
Miniris - Drop Block Mini
Miniris - Drop Block Mini-
Miniris is a Tetris-like classic tile-matching puzzle game. The blocks (tetrominoes) is smaller than the original. Manipulate falling blocks and line up horizontally. When a line without gaps is created, the line is destroyed. Make lines as much as you can before piled blocks reaches the top of th
3vs3 Hockey - 2 Players Game
3vs3 Hockey - 2 Players Game-
Hockey game for 2 players!<br>This app is local multiplayer game on one device.<br><br>- Game Rule<br>Each player have 3 different type of hockeys.<br>Move these and hit opponent's hockeys to force out.<br>If you force out all opponent's hockeys, then you win the game!<br><br>- How to Play<br>First,
ニュー話題メイカーは、多人数で集まった際に話せる話題を提供するアプリです。 指示に従って画面上のボタンをタップするだけで簡単に話のネタを提供してくれます。話す人と話題の内容はルーレットのようにランダムに決まるので、誰がどんな内容を話すのかドキドキです! 「誰」が「何の話」をするかを決めてくれるので難しい事を考えなくても簡単に話を始められます。 会話を始めるには、まず「メンバーの管理」で話に参加する人の名前(ニックネーム)を追加します。その後は、すぐに以下の二種類の話題モードから会話を始めることができます。 ◆ ○○さんの□□な話 一人が主役となって話すモードです。 ランダムに選ばれた話題
Mr.Snowball is an easy action game of rolling snowball! Very simple!<br>All you have to do is avoid trees, roll long time, collect crystals and Santa Claus hats!<br><br><br>- How to Play -<br><br>Slide your finger left or right to move the snowball.<br><br>The snowball cannot move to forward and bac
Sense Of Time - Time Perception Test
Sense Of Time - Time Perception Test-
Is your time perception accurate?<br>Check your sense of time by this app!<br><br>[ Game mode ]<br><br>- Normal mode<br>Touch stopwatch button when you think the time passed at 6, 10, 14, 17 and 20 seconds.that's all! you can easily check your time sense!<br>play and compete with your friends to dec
Simplest Note
Simplest Note-
"Simplest Note" is the most simplest app for taking notes. There are no redundant functionality in this app. This app has no folder system. It can only save one text. Texts are automatically saved when the app is closed. You can delete all text at once by delete button. It's really simple. The app
Week Scheduler
Week Scheduler-
This app is simple schedule manager and specialize for weekly schedule. There are no complex settings. - feature When you touch timeline, a new event is created. Touch that event to set title, time, notification, repetition or delete the event. Finished event turnes gray and automatically removed
Touch In Order - Touch Numbers
Touch In Order - Touch Numbers-
Do you remember what number you touched?<br><br>- Game Rule<br>Touch In Order is a game that touch number blocks in number order.<br><br>- Nine Mode<br>9 number blocks appear at once. Touch them in number order to break.<br>When you break all of the blocks, next 9 blocks appears.<br>Touch as fast as
Marimo -VS- I.A.S.
Marimo -VS- I.A.S.-
A side-scrolling shooter that cute Marimo mossball fights against ferocious alien species is now available on your smartphone! The game rules have been changed and optimized from the PC version to make it easier to play on smartphones(iOS). ● Overview A 2.5D shooter with old-fashioned side-scrollin
Marimo Clicker
Marimo Clicker-
"Marimo Clicker" is a game that grows 3D Marimo moss ball by tapping or leaving it alone. Marimo grows even when the app is not running. With Marimo anytime, anywhere! Let's grow Marimo on your smartphone! ● How to Play There is a Marimo in the aquarium. Tap Marimo to get oxygen bubbles. Oxygen is
Speed RPS - Rock Paper Scissor
Speed RPS - Rock Paper Scissor-
Speed RPS is a game of Rock Paper Scissors! Rock Paper Scissors is good training for brain. But this is not just Rock Paper Scissors. You have to follow instruction to select your hand. - How to Play First, the opponent's hand appear from the top of the screen with instruction(win/draw/lose). You
スペル英単語 穴埋め英単語学習アプリ
スペル英単語 穴埋め英単語学習アプリ-
日本語の意味や英単語の発音を聞いて、単語のスペルを1文字ずつ入力する英語学習アプリです。<br><br>英語を初めて学習する人から、試験対策や実用レベルの上級英語を学ぶ方まで、様々な難易度の単語を収録しています。<br><br>日常の英語学習やライティング、英語の試験や検定のための学習ツールとしてご利用下さい。<br><br>◆アプリの特徴<br><br>- 表示されるアルファベットのボタンでスペルを1文字ずつ入力するため、書くために必要な綴りをしっかり覚えることができます。<br><br>- 単語の学習に焦点を当てたシンプルなアプリで、オフラインでも自分のペースで、好きな時間に単語の勉強がで
日常の英単語 - 日常生活で使う言葉の英単語
日常の英単語 - 日常生活で使う言葉の英単語-
Password Reminder - managepass
Password Reminder - managepass-
Password Reminder makes it easy for you to managing service account informations.<br>Only you have to do is remember one Master Password.<br>If the device can use Touch ID, you can more easily manage account informations.<br><br>- Simple User Interface<br><br>You can manage many account information
After Meal Checklist - Reminder & Checklist
After Meal Checklist - Reminder & Checklist-
Don't worry about forget to do(doing) what you have to do after the meal!<br><br>This app is for avoid forgetting about things you have to do after the meals.<br>Such as take medicine, brush your teeth.<br><br>There are some thing to do after the meal.<br>You have to brush your teeth and take some m
Simple Password Reminder
Simple Password Reminder-
Simple Password Reminder is an application for centrally managing user account information such as IDs and passwords of various services. If you use many services, it is difficult to remember all your ID and password. However, if you make a note of it somewhere, it may be seen by others. You may fo